Men Don’t Marry Drop-Dead Gorgeous Women

But they will sleep with them.

Teri Nickels' Straight Shot
Unpopular Opinions


Photo By Pixabay From Pexels

I remember when I was a senior in high school. It was a month before graduation. An elementary crush had contacted me after ten years. He wanted to meet up in person. So, I went by his parent’s house and chatted for roughly thirty minutes. But unfortunately, it wasn’t as pleasant of a talk as I had hoped. The conversation concerned my appearance.

He thought a couple of things:

  1. I was being too flashy with my outfit to meet up with him.
  2. My makeup was overdone and not necessary — at all.

He didn’t expect me to look like an 8-year-old at 18. But he wasn’t impressed by the extras I presented because he thought I was naturally beautiful without trying so hard. But of course, being a teenager, I took everything he was telling me as an insult. But that was the thing. He did like me for me — the real, natural me.

In college, I became more over the top with makeup and started wearing wigs. Hey! I got attention. Isn’t that why women put all this extra work into our appearance? But unfortunately, I was getting attention from more of the pretty boys with looks but no substance. The guys I actually liked either thought two things about me: either I enjoyed the attention more than getting to know one guy, or I…



Teri Nickels' Straight Shot
Unpopular Opinions

Straight Shot, No Chaser: An Old Soul with a Brutally Honest, Unpopular Take on Men & Women |