Announcing Edge Office Hours 2.0

2 min readFeb 10, 2016


In 2015, we tried something new. We shipped Office Hours, and made ourselves available to anyone from anywhere, for six hours a week, every week, for six months straight. And thousands of founders from 61 different countries showed up. (To be precise, to date 2,139 people have downloaded the iOS app, and we’ve had on average 26 conversations on Office Hours per week.) They asked us about business plans, healthcare, term sheets, computer vision, stock options, VR, reading lists, accelerators, marketplaces, incubators, other investors, and many, many, many more things we never expected.

Today, we’re bringing Office Hours to even more people, with an updated iOS app, and an all new Android app. In this new version, founders can chat with guests, read posts by KPCB Edge partners, and get answers to frequent founder questions, in addition to chatting with us during the six hours each week we spend online.

Silicon Valley is where we live and work, but great businesses and entrepreneurs can come from anywhere. Access to thoughtful, founder-friendly investors can be one of the most important resources for an early stage company, and with today’s launch, we’re one step closer to bringing that access to anyone with a smartphone.

We’re beyond excited to launch Office Hours 2.0 today for iOS and Android, and can’t wait to meet you in one of our sessions. You can read more about why we built Office Hours here, download the iOS app here and the Android app here. Also, read about how our team shipped the two new apps in record time using React Native here and why that’s the new frontier for mobile apps.

Our first guest office hours session is with Mike Abbott, GP at Kleiner Perkins, and former VP of Engineering at Twitter, on 2/12 from 1 pm-2:30 pm PT. Our second session is with the amazing Jessi Hempel of Wired, on 3/1 from 11 am-12 pm PT. To ask Mike and Jessi any questions, from how to build your engineering team to advice on speaking to journalists, simply download the iOS or Android app. See you there!




KPCB Edge is a team of builders, investing in seed stage founders working on emerging areas of technology. |