Baby Keith

A Witness.

Keith J. Chouinard
6 min readMar 2, 2016

I’ve spent much of my life being a witness. A witness to things; that if spoken of, others often have issues dealing with what is said. I am well used to being treated like I do not make sense. Because the person claiming that, is not making sense themselves.

At times; all there is, is to witness. To see what is.

I have seen horrifying things ahead in visions ever since being a small child. Suffering ‘pre’ PTSD in seeing and feeling in psychic visions ahead, the post traumatic stress disorder that I would suffer through, in attempting to grow up. That itself is too much for some to comprehend. It was too much for me to comprehend being a child.

It was too much for me to comprehend being a child.

Some things need to be experienced to be comprehended. Consciousness itself needs to be experienced, to bring the consciousness from unconsciousness.

Seeing and dealing with things I could not find ways to speak of, till I was much older. Having people claim it is lies or delusion, because they have never had experiences like that. Their own limitations of such experiences, their lack of any experience of it, appear to be their qualification for falsely knowing what they are talking about. Many of us deal with this, with others.

Many have awareness of their senses and keep silent, because they know others would mistreat them as well. We wait for society be be ready to hold space for these truths. We see the destruction that happens in the process.

I literally have had people tell me that I am just trying to get attention when speaking of these things. Instead of seeing what is said, they distract themselves with their reaction to me. People criticized my grammar and spelling when my autobiography was first written. Instead of hearing the truth about the shocking stories of what was told, instead of having compassion for what was spoken of, they criticized my abilities of expressing it. They dismissed what was said. In dismissing it, they did not have to deal with the truths of what was said. They did not have to deal with themselves.

They dismissed me, within their own lack of comprehending themselves.

They would be the first to criticize how many times the word ‘I’ is used within this writing. They would falsely believe this article is about me. Being dismissive, as opposed to being responsive, due to their own reactions. Blinding themselves to what actually is being said in this. Believing their own issues of ego to be mine. When we are present within ourselves, we can see the presence of others. When we are present within ourselves, we can hold space for the presence of others. When we are being present we are conscious of our connection to others. When we are being present we are conscious of what our connection to others feels like. We are conscious of the collective consciousness between ourselves. We are conscious of the collective unconsciousness between ourselves. We become conscious.

For some; the truth is often covered over, by their own reactions to it.

For some; their own reactions cover the ability of being able to respond by seeing the truth.

A witness. A witness to people criticizing someone who has struggled to speak about a truth that many are not willing to comprehend. They are not willing to comprehend it due to their own lack of dealing with who they themselves are. I witness and feel the lack of compassion that many have, all around. Openly empathic people feel it, from society itself. We are all empaths. It is part of being human. Some are not willing to discern what is theirs versus anothers, for they are not willing to be present to the consciousness of it. They are not willing to be conscious. They are not willing to focus. Their attention is lost within the distraction of themselves.

We are not alone within these things. Many deal with these awarenesses. We are aware of a realm of spirit, that knows and shows us this as well.

I choose compassion, to speak in hopes others will be willing to see the truth. In hopes others will awaken from the illusions. In hopes that the consciousness of the masses, the unconsciousness of the masses, will choose to ascend into consciousness. I choose to discern the light from the less than light all around me. I am far from perfect. I am far from knowing everything. I know that. I am a witness to that.

As I saw in my childhood visions, which are spoken about in my book: “Awaking Spirit reclamation of being”, I am still witnessing the rigging of the political system in the United States of America. I still am witnessing many people clueless to the fact it is not a free country, even though the illusions claim it is.

A witness. Seeing the unconsciousness of society struggling to become conscious. Seeing into what that may look like in the future. Though, choosing to hope for more light. Hoping the karma of society can be transcended with light as opposed to pain and destruction. Holding space for light, rather than less than light within that. Speaking in hopes others will be present to hold this space as well.

And I am not alone. There are many like me. This is not about me, this is about all of us.

We witness.

There are many witnessing, that are not currently speaking. There are many speaking, that are not currently being heard.

When that roar happens, if that roar dares to happen, those living hallucinatory reactionary lives will know the truth. The unveiling of truth will happen. The truth of what they see will depend on what they are holding space for, and attaching to in the process. What they will personally go through in the processing of it, will be up to their own abilities of response, their responsibilities of being.

The authors autobiography:

Other articles by Keith J. Chouinard on Medium


Transcendence with Keith Joseph Chouinard

53 East Main Street, West Brookfield, Massachusetts. USA


Keith J. Chouinard

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