Ditching a Daily Routine Has Revolutionized My Productivity

It is energy, not time, that matters

Neeramitra Reddy
Published in
5 min readSep 5, 2021


Black man sitting in a disheveled bed with his laptop
Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels

As the screaming alarm jolts me awake, I grumblingly kick off the warm sheets, only for the freezing tiles to make me want to jump right back in.

But routine, gotta stick to the routine. Zombie walking to the bathroom, I mechanically go through my ablutions.

As the egg boiler’s chirping, I wonder at my black coffee’s juxtaposing sour taste and caramelized aroma. A sulphuric stench emanating from the boiler makes me sigh deeply.

Rotten eggs, what a perfect start to the day. Making do with the 2 good eggs, I throw the rest to the spotted mongrel basking in the morning sun. Somehow plowing through my 30-minute online learning session, I grab my bag and head to class.

The rest of the day is then — back-to-back boring lectures, afternoon meal prep, a torturous lab session, meal prep again, a decent workout, shower, yet another meal prep, more learning.

Finally, sleep time. I don’t feel sleepy but routine, gotta stick to the routine. Good sleep or not, I’ll have to wake up at the usual 6:00 AM tomorrow. Because, you know,

Routine, gotta stick to the routine.

Time Means Nothing



Neeramitra Reddy

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