Men would choose the bear, too

A bear isn’t going to falsely accuse you

1 min readMay 25, 2024

I’ve given this man versus bear issue some thought.

There’s been quite a bit written on it in Medium lately: “Ladies, would you rather run into a man or a bear in the woods?”

A number of women have written they would chose the bear.

Well, of course.

One reason given: A bear isn’t going to rape you and blame it on what you were wearing.

Some comments by men were slammed.

Seriously slammed.

Women were fed up with hearing it’s “not all men.”

That really seem to get some women riled.

“Not all men.”

Well, I was thinking. This is grizzly country where I live.

I wouldn’t choose an unpredictable near-sighted, nose-like-a-bloodhound, overly muscular extreme-violence-is-nothing-to-me grizzly over meeting a woman in the woods, but a black bear?

I’d definitely choose the black bear.


And you can complain and say, “Not all women…” but, no, it is all women.

All single women.

Every last one is more dangerous to a man than a black bear.

I wrote about that on Substack. I copied that for Medium.

Here are my reasons:




Editor of 'Page One: Writers on Writing', and 'Writer's Reflect.' You're welcome to write for either publication. I love writing and reading on Medium.