Claude Lemmer’s Service to the Community Recognized during Holiday Concert

Jon Morgan
Shepherd Community Blog
2 min readDec 14, 2015

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Phrases like “pass the baton” and “heart felt good byes” do not adequately capture the amount of emotion in the room on Sunday as Claude Lemmer conducted the Central Michigan Area Band for his last time during its Holiday Concert.

In between performances, Claude was recognized via the reading of notes sent in honor of his retirement, and stories shared by friends and former students. Claude himself recognized current Shepherd Public Schools band director JoAnn Gross by giving her the baton he had used during practices leading up to the holiday concert.

Just before the CMACB’s last song, Claude literally passed a baton to incoming concert band director Joseph Radtke.

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Jon Morgan
Shepherd Community Blog

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