Wolk SWARMDB v0.1 Available!

Rodney F. Witcher, II
3 min readOct 15, 2017


Wolk is happy to report the availability of the v0.1 “Earth” SWARMDB release on github!

Core interfaces supported are Node.js, Go and an HTTP. Each is documented on the Wolk doc hub.

Download the Docker instance of the SWARMDB server and find steps for installation, setup and configuration on our github page. You can try out all the interfaces right now. We intend for this “alpha” release to generate feedback from dApp developers and develop a strong foundation for SWARMDB development.

Members of the Wolk Team at the new Wolk Office.

We are building SWARMDB for developers of truly decentralized applications; many of whom, we have spoken with and are in the process of developing decentralized applications, requiring a truly decentralized database backend. All desire a solution exhibiting reasonable throughput and cost, with an infrastructure that is NOT dependent on any one company (yes, not even Wolk). It is now obvious that maintaining even a tiny database in the blockchain is not realistic, and that substituting this with just decentralized file storage is also unsuitable for decentralized applications.

With the solid foundation of the Ethereum stack, Wolk developed the core functionality for storing data and retrieving data in, very easy to use, Put/Get NoSQL interfaces and basic SQL coverage. Data is encrypted and decrypted using your Ethereum Wallet. Our “v.2” release, currently slated for release in Spring 2018, will also incorporate the interfaces to SWARM chunk storage. Unlike traditional databases, which have a central point of failure and widely recognized attack vector, SWARMDB will store database records, indexes, table schemas, 100% in a peer-to-peer network of SWARM nodes. Wolk’s core innovation reduces the attack surface of database technologies significantly.

Wolk is proud to be one of the first to develop decentralized database services and to do this in the rapidly maturing Ethereum stack as part of the SWARM working group. All code is publicly available on our github and we welcome your contributions in any form. If you are a developer of decentralized applications, we are looking for your feedback on our SWARMDB interfaces this Spring as we develop SWARMDB technology.

We have updated our public roadmap here, organizing our development along 2 axes:

  • Increased database functionality, e.g. full SQL support, shared tables, CRDT, which are widely expected by applications developers.
  • Increased decentralization — SWAP chequebooks + SMASH proofs embedded in a Ethereum 2.0 framework of validators running Casper Proof of Stake and Minimal Viable Plasma.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll share step-by-step tutorials and how-to videos showing how to use SWARMDB core interfaces. Looking ahead, our next milestones are:

  • [Spring 2018] v0.2 Venus Release — Cloudstore + fuller SQL support, reintegration of the latest from Ethereum SWARM,
  • [Summer 2018] v0.3 Mars Release — Use of WLK in a SWARMDB Minimal Viable Plasma, ENS + PSS deployment

Thank you everyone who made this milestone possible from the Ethereum community (especially the SWARM founders), our supporters from the cryptocurrency community and our patient alpha users of SWARMDB!

