Beware of the Consequences of Anger on Your Health

5 easy tips to prevent anger from destroying your health

Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health


Anger is an extremely useful emotion that has motivated millions of people to fight the injustice caused by society’s prejudice. It has helped conquer the biggest evil that mankind has faced — Slavery.

Anger, when utilized for a noble cause, can cause a revolution to change the course of history for the better.

Anger is an explosive emotion that we feel often. Don’t confuse it as a primary emotion, it is usually caused by sadness, pain, and hurt. All these emotions wrap themselves in the form of an angry outburst.

Anger that we feel for useless inconsequential things can harm us more than we can realize, it can affect both our physical and mental health adversely.

So, it is best to keep this beast in control, or else it will control you.

Protect Your Mental Health

Anger can single-handedly destroy your mental peace. It is a toxic feeling that leads to hate and resentment. Unexpressed anger can cause depression. Anger builds anxiety and stress.

When a person loses control during an argument they will intentionally say hurtful things to pass on their anger and frustration…



Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health

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