Happy 6th Anniversary, Main Street Hub

Celebrating Six Years of Storytelling

Main Street Hub
Main Street Hub


By Co-CEOs Matt Stuart and Andrew Allison

Today is Main Street Hub’s sixth anniversary. On this date in 2010, our first customer — a business owner who has served his community for more than 40 years — signed up. It has been a privilege to serve him over these last six years, as well as the thousands of other businesses who have trusted Main Street Hub to help them tell their story.

Today, we are the voice of more local businesses than any other company, with 500 teammates across the organization who inspire us and each other every day.

When we started this adventure six years ago, we did so with the knowledge that local businesses were being underserved by technology, especially technology that would help them keep pace with customers. The simplicity of the old Yellow Pages model was gone — replaced by fragmented platforms, two-way messaging, and the possibility of infinite personalization. What was easy was now hard.

The standard response by technology companies to this complexity had been to reflect it back onto the customer. The expectation seemed to be that local business owners now needed to become technologists and marketers in addition to running their business, as opposed to spending that time on their customers or their families.

The potential for technology, data, and creativity to help local businesses thrive has never been greater, but this company was founded upon the principle that there’s a better way to achieve it — a way that enables local businesses to keep doing the things that they love and that their customers love them for.

Over and over again in the past six years, we have seen expressions of that love, and we have seen that it is universal. Every one of us has a story. The diner she’d head to after high school theatre rehearsal. The taqueria he and his friends would drop by on their way home from the beach. The bar that he returns to every time he visits home. The cheese shop where she met her spouse. The restaurant where they decided to make that down payment. The dog school that helped them find their rescue pup. The drive-in that let her choose the movie on her birthday.

For the last six years, our mission has been to create thriving local economies. But in that time, we’ve come to understand that there’s a more fundamental purpose we, and our customers, serve.

Hearing these stories, we realized that our mission is about something even deeper than creating thriving local businesses — it’s about helping business owners and the people they serve discover community.

So today, we are expanding our mission to reflect that deeper purpose.

We create thriving local economies by bringing businesses and their customers closer together, helping them discover community.

Everything we do — every experience we design, every story we tell, every insight we share with a customer — will be in service of this vision. Our team’s work over the first six years building this company has given us this opportunity, and we are more excited than ever to create these kinds of experiences for new generations of business owners and their customers.

But most of all, we are grateful. We are grateful to our colleagues for their commitment to our customers and the values that make this team so strong, and we are grateful for the faith our customers have placed in us and for our role in helping them achieve their dreams.

We look forward to discovering community together.



Main Street Hub
Main Street Hub

Main Street Hub is the marketing platform for local businesses. Trusted by 10,000 customers, we manage your social media, online reviews, and email marketing.