60+ free awesome resources for Architects and Designers

Pit Crit
Published in
3 min readFeb 21, 2016
The Noun Project

Design is hard. We all know that. But the design process could be less painful by sharing resources with each other! So over at Pitcrit we have gathered some of the best (and free) resources that we found on the internets and put it in one place. The resources are primarily intended for architects but any designer can find them useful too (we hope :)

If you would like to share your resources with everyone else, submit them here!

Cutout People

What is Architecture without people? Here are the best sites to find your high quality & diverse cutout people.


Here are the best sites to find your high quality materials, textures and patterns.


Here’s where you can find some green for your renders

Cad Blocks

2D and 3D CAD blocks of people, cars, equipments and more.


Learn new skills, programs or tricks for an efficient design process.


A list of sites to help you choose the right color palette.

Stock Photos

A list of places to find the best free stock photos.

Architecture Podcasts

The best podcasts about architecture and design.

Icons and Vectors

The best sites for pixel perfect icons and vectors.

Architect’s Salary

These sites will help you find out how much you are going to make as an Architect in different levels of experience.

Pitcrit is a platform to discuss, discover and share the most relevant architectural projects,articles and resources.



Pit Crit

software developer / architectural & urban designer / tamrat.co / thoughts on design. tech. and anything in between