52 people every iOS developer should follow on Twitter.


And they are not only programmers.

You do have a Twitter account, do you?

If not, now is the time to change it.

A lot of iOS specialists — developers, designers, Apple employees, bloggers, trendsetters — has Google+ accounts, some of them has also Facebook profiles/pages, but the real vast majority of our community use Twitter as a main (and often as the only one) social media channel.

For every iOS developer, Twitter is the place to be and to get the latest hot news from the iOS world.

So if you don’t use Twitter yet, start now and follow these 52 people.

1. Tim Cook

CEO of Apple, the boss of bosses.

2. Chris Lattner

Swift creator.

3. Matt Galloway

iOS developer, book author.

4. Ash Furrow

iOS developer, book author.

5. Ole Begemann

iOS and Mac developer.

6. Chris Eidhof

iOS developer, author of objc.io.

7. Mattt Thompson

iOS developer, open source contributor (AFNetworking), NSHipster founder.

8. Ray Wenderlich

iOS developer, tutorial creator, book author.

9. Dave Verwer

Author of iOS Dev Weekly.

10. Graham Clarke

Designer at Apple.

11. Krzysztof Zabłocki

iOS developer, creator of Playgrounds for Objective-C.

12. Paweł Dudek

iOS developer, conference organizer.

13. Simon Ng

Founder of AppCoda.

14. Scott Anguish

Senior iOS developer in Apple.

15. Chris Hanson

iOS developer in Apple.

16. Florian Kugler

iOS and Mac developer, author in objc.io

17. Daniel Eggert

iOS developer, author in objc.io

18. Eric Vitiello

iOS developer in Apple.

19. Ben Sandofsky

iOS developer, Technical Consultant to HBO’s Silicon Valley.

20. Orta Therox

iOS developer, contributor in CocoaPods.

21. Andreas Linde

iOS developer.

22. Neil Inglis

iOS and Mac developer.

23. Mikael Konradsson

iOS developer.

24. Alex Curylo

iOS developer.

25. Peter Steinberger

iOS developer, author of the most advanced iOS PDF framework.

26. Matt Gemmell

Writer and novelist.

27. Andy Matuschak

Ex-Apple UIKit developer, lead mobile developer at Khan Academy.

28. Christopher Truman

iOS developer.

29. Marcin Krzyżanowski

iOS developer.

30. Chad Mureta

Book author, mobile entrepreneur.

31. Jon Reid

iOS developer.

32. Marcus Zarra

iOS devleoper, blogger in Cocoa is My Girlfriend.

33. Bart Jacobs

iOS developer, blogger.

34. Greg Heo

iOS developer.

35. Carter Thomas

Mobile entrepreneur, book author, blogger.

36. Nate Cook

iOS developer, creator of SwiftDoc.org.

37. Natasha Murashev

iOS developer, blogger, This week in Swift curator.

38. Delisa Mason

Creator of Alcatraz Xcode package manager, CocoaPods Core Team member.

39. Aaron Brethorst

iOS developer, creator of CocoaControls.

40. Felix Krause

iOS developer.

41. Joe Groff

iOS developer in Apple, work on Swift compiler.

42. Ole Zorn

iOS developer, blogger.

43. David Smith

iOS developer.

44. Mike Rundle

iOS designer and developer.

45. Keith Shepherd

iOS developer, creator of Temple Run.

46. Dan Counsell

iOS and Mac developer.

47. Aaron Hillegass

Book author.

48. Oliver Drobnik

iOS developer.

49. Kimon Tsinteris

Ex-Apple engineer, currently in Facebook.

50. Joe Conway

iOS developer, book author.

51. Sophia Teutschler

UIKit Frameworks Engineer at Apple, founder of Sophiestication Software.

52. Steve Wozniak

Apple co-founder.

I hope you’ll find this list useful and it will be a good starting point for you into iOS community on Twitter. Of course this is only a small fraction of the great people there — based on your follows, Twitter will recommend you more users. Follow them and stay in touch!

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P.S. Looking for some iOS apps for geeks, developers and power users? Check out my portfolio of iOS apps — maybe you’ll find something useful!

You can find me on Twitter too:



Paweł Białecki
Astro Photons — iOS Insights & iPhone Hacks

🚀 Indie iOS Developer | Founder of Astro Photons | Crafting fun and engaging iOS apps 📱 | Sharing insights on iPhone Tips & Tricks at AstroPhotonsApps.com