eInc Protocol is Now Open Source!

EtherInc Blockchain
Published in
2 min readMar 7, 2019

After completing a year of successful operations, Team EtherInc has made the eInc protocol open source. With more transparency into the eInc protocol, the team hopes that more businesses and entrepreneurs will use the eInc protocol to build their decentralized organizations on EtherInc’s platform. eInc protocol can be accessed at https://github.com/etherinc/einc-contract

Some of the advantages of being an open source protocol are:


To eliminate the negativity attached with the concept of DAO due to the infamous DAO hack, the eInc protocol has been made open source — it will be more auditable. Anyone can review the security and performance standards of the protocol.


The eInc protocol now offers a greater degree of customization via access to the code. Extensive customization can be easily be done with a few resources. To find the right resources for customization, good developers from the huge community can be approached.

Community Support

The businesses are not completely dependent on EtherInc. They can get continued support from the developer community who understand Solidity programming for making modifications in the eInc protocol or any other support to understand or implement the protocol.


An Open Source protocol can be easily audited by experienced developers, providing a deep insight into the protocol; and any potential vulnerabilities, if any, would be exposed by the community and would be rectified.

Updates and Fixes

The updates and fixes to the protocol can be more inclusive and can be done through improvement proposals just like they are done in other successful Open Source projects. Being an Open Source project will allow not just the EtheInc developers but any developer in the community to roll out updates to the eInc protocol to suit the ever changing needs in the industry and for more specific uses cases.

With free access to audit/modify/upgrade the eInc protocol code, it is likely to see more adoption in the near future.

To know more about the project check out our website and join our telegram group for regular updates.

EtherInc links
Website: https://einc.io
Telegram (Group): https://t.me/eincHQ
Wallet: https://wallet.einc.io/
Organisation Explorer (Mainnet): https://etherinc.org/
Organisation Explorer (Rosten Testnet): https://ropsten.etherinc.org/
Block Explorer (Mainnet): https://explorer.einc.io/
Block Explorer (Rosten Testnet): https://ropstenexplorer.einc.io/
Network (Mainnet): https://network.einc.io/
Network (Rosten Testnet): https://ropstennetwork.einc.io/



EtherInc Blockchain
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An Ethereum Fork to power the future of Organizations on the blockchain. https://einc.io