The Most Realistic Success “Hack” Is Ironically the Least Sexy

Let’s cut through the fake guru B.S. and talk facts

Neeramitra Reddy
Published in
4 min readOct 27, 2022


Photo by Yasin Gündogdu:

Hard honest work.

Disappointed? Understandable. But offended? Click off this article right away.

Continue your futile hunt for the illusory myth of a cheat code for success.

You’ll only become fodder for the predatory success gurus armed with their sales funnels — for $4999 “master” classes and “exclusive” 1-on-1 coaching.

If there were true “hacks”, wouldn’t everyone shortcut the process and become successful?

But reality’s different — the hyper-successful “top 1%” floating in a sea of the mediocre 99%.

Nothing Worth Having Comes Easy

Blazing in a million-dollar Lambo Veneno. Sun-tanning your ripped Greek God physique. Winning the K-1 World Grand Prix championship. Sipping pina Coladas lying in Megan Fox’s lap.

If you could snap your fingers and actualize any of those, how would you feel?

A few hours of exhilarated disbelief. Amazement for the next few days. A week or two later? Lukewarm satisfaction.



Neeramitra Reddy

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