Are You a HQHB? (High Quality Human Being)

‘If you are 80%, that’s not you.’

Will Jelbert
Thrive Global


Natasha Garoosi brings humanity to media with a channel to connect authentic beings across industries.

I met Natasha Garoosi at a place where I meet many of the people I want to engage with: The Shine New York. Natasha was there to support friend and waste activist Lauren Singer. We agreed to meet up for an interview over tamarind juice at Naturopatica on West 26th street.

WJ: Your website states: ‘HQHB reminds us what it means to be human again by interviewing “real” people across all industries to engage in conversations that unite us’. What types of conversation are best suited to uniting us?

NG: A lot of the media is statistical and black and white and it doesn’t spark much in us. So we think oh this is that and that’s that. We try to categorize.

The conversations that unite us as humans are the ones that resonate with our emotions.

WJ: Which emotions?

NG: People we’ve interviewed start off talking about their vulnerabilities: the problems they face or used to be scared of, embarrassed or sad about; problems they’ve used as fuel to grow and find their happiness.

