A Father’s Love, a Daughter’s Shame, and a Lesson on the Spaces Between Spaces

Don’t “play it by ear” when it comes to the people you love

Dawn Bevier
The Partnered Pen


Something about space sounds endless.


But the truth is space is confining.

It’s something with borders. Limitations.

Think about it.

We show our neighbors blueprints for our new home.

We don’t say, “This is the space.”

We say, “This is the space for the bedroom. This space right here is for the kitchen. And this space is reserved for the nursery.”

Delineations. Separations.

One space does not bleed into the next.

However, there are connectors between spaces.

Hallways. Stairs.

And what we don’t often understand is that these narrow spaces are the most important ones.

The same is true of life.

The spaces between the spaces are where the magic happens or the world falls apart.

Unfortunately, I only learned this yesterday.

On my family’s trip to Myrtle Beach.

