Self-Improvement + Stoicism

8 Lessons From An Inmate Who Lost Everything

Foresight without action is meaningless.

Destiny S. Harris
Better Advice
Published in
6 min readJan 12, 2022


Photo by Matej Borovský on Unsplash

It is a pleasure to learn from this remarkable individual full of knowledge and wisdom. Though his past choices have not always worked in his favor, he has accumulated many invaluable lessons that he continues to share with me. I’m thankful I now get to share them with you.

Lesson 1: Most aspects of life are fleeting/temporary.

Whatever good, whatever bad you are experiencing in your life, it will all pass in time. Remember this, and experience a more meaningful life, more thoughtful decision-making, and a more focused purpose.

Sober your mind. Sober your thoughts. Everything in your life today — including you — could disappear without a moment’s notice.

Stay in the present, but don’t get attached to it.

Lesson 2: Foresight is meaningless if you don’t take action based on those projections.

When you receive wisdom from others, listen. When you learn invaluable knowledge that will positively benefit your future, implement. The masses attend seminars, listen to books, go to college, and…

