Development Update 4th September 2018

Published in
2 min readSep 4, 2018

Dear Biotronians,

The summer is slowly but surely coming to an end. Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did, although we couldn’t catch a lot of bronze, as we’ve been working hard to move forward. Here’s a summary of what we achieved in August.

New team members

I’m really glad that we were able to fill all positions. We’re already joined by an Android developer who worked hard to improve our app (more on that topic below). Data engineer is hired as well and starts working soon! We’ll introduce both very soon.

New pilots

What’s even more exciting is that we started six new pilot projects! They are with companies from various industries, such as retail, energy, real-estate development, telecoms, as well as gaming. These will cover all the areas of our product — from mobile SDK for data collection, through processing and analytics, to rewarding. Another aspect is the legal framework that’s been finalised these days. We’ll release more info as soon as we’re allowed to. Here’s an example of a traffic origin analysis for one of our partners:

Another interesting analysis we did was competing visits (percentage of visitors to other places, who visited a selected place):

App update

As I already mentioned above, you can expect a new update of our app very soon. The focus was on stability and — more importantly — to decrease the battery and data drain. We managed to do some significant improvements to the data collection in the process as well. I’ll write about everything in the app update announcement.


Even though the main goal for us is to achieve our vision (to make data available in a transparent and privacy-compliant way to power innovation worldwide), it is always nice to receive some kind of recognition. So I’m really happy that was nominated in CESAwards in two categories — Best Blockchain Startup and Best Newcomer. The finals are on September 20th, so cross your fingers!

Get in touch with us!

You’re very welcome to ask us anything on our official Telegram group. Twitter might be of help here as well. We’re looking forward to your messages.

Have a successful week!

Best regards,

Pavol, CEO of

