How Long Does it Take to Complete Khan Academy’s MCAT Course?

A ballpark estimate

Joe Thomas
Published in
2 min readJun 24, 2022


Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Are you thinking about taking the MCAT? Are you looking for a free test prep course that will help you improve your score? Khan Academy’s MCAT test prep course is comprehensive and well-structured. How long does it take to complete? Below is a ballpark estimate for those about to dive in.

The Khan Academy MCAT Test Prep course has about 140 modules. If we assume each module has 10 videos that are about 10 minutes long, then we get an initial estimate of about 1 hour and 40 minutes per module. The modules also have practice questions. And, let’s assume that there are some concepts that we need to spend more time with to really understand.

So, let’s allocate 3 hours for each module.

3 hours per module multiplied by about 140 modules is equal to 420 hours. In addition to the modules, Khan Academy has test-like sections where there are passages and questions to help student practice again. There are four separate sections of passages and questions, and let’s say we devote 10 hours to each section. We arrive at a ballpark estimate for total study time that is about 460 hours.

460 hours for the Khan Academy MCAT Prep Course, and maybe you also add in 3 full practice tests from…



Joe Thomas

EV traveler, writer, futurist. Author of The Wealth of the Planet, While We Were Charging, and Martian Economics -->