A Mutual Aid Society for Stoners…

Published in
3 min readFeb 8, 2018
Photo by Rafael Cerqueira

In a world controlled by centralized governments, it’s sometimes hard to imagine a society and and a living community that is truly free from discrimination and interference from the powers that be.

At Smoke Network we believe that we have the power to create a society in which all participants of the network have their sense of liberty and freedom unadulterated by the bureaucratic institutions that seek to control us without our best interests in mind.

Inspired by the concept of a Mutual Aid Society, an idea established by blockchain Pioneer Dan Larimer, founder of Bitshares, Steem and the upcoming EOS platform, Smoke Networks aims to provide a free community where all participants are rewarded equally for their contribution and participation in the network. This vision is only made possible by the power of blockchain technology.

Many people may not like the idea of a free society — some people prefer the safety of living in the confines of a predefined doctrine. However, one can never underestimate the need for freedom and individuality and the ability to protect one’s liberties, freedom of speech and personal choices.

“Hundreds of thousands of individuals have been arrested and prosecuted for mere possession of cannabis. While many of these individuals need it for medical reasons, most of the people involved had their lives negatively impacted despite never harming anyone.

I may not like your society, but I will defend your right to have it. Each and every society is peaceful, non-violent, and serves as an opportunity to help your fellow man in an organized and dependable manner.”

- Dan Larimer, Mutual Aid Society, Bytemaster Blog 2015

Smoke Network will help cannabis users worldwide by bringing forward a platform free from censorship and interference from world governments, a problem plaguing countless marijuana business and users worldwide on social media worldwide, in some cases even legal ones.

Above and beyond the need for an uncensorable platform, the Smoke Network will also reward it’s users in cryptocurrencies for contributions on the platform through original content and content curation giving anyone the ability to call on the community for help in a time of need.

The Smoke DApp will run on the EOS blockchain featuring a state of the art DPoS blockchain capable of scaling to thousands of transactions per second and will even be airdropping half of the total Smoke tokens to EOS token holders creating a widely distributed user base from the get go.

After a successful pre-ICO in 2017, as well as the launch of a working beta running on the Steem chain as well as an MVP prototype which can be found at https://smoke.io/ , we will be launching a second round ICO running from the 20th of April through to the 25th of May 2018. Through our second round ICO we hope to further engage the community and inspire cannabis users who may be interested in contributing to the platform.

For more info please visit the Smoke Network website.


Smoke Holdings IBC is a software development company and is producing the Smoke Network software as free, open source code. For more information please see the Terms of Use located at https://www.smoke.network




Jonathan, aka Stoner, is the Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer at Smoke.Network and CEO of 420Smokers.us.