7 Common Foods that Are Incredibly Healthy for You

Even better than most fancy and expensive superfoods

Neeramitra Reddy
In Fitness And In Health
5 min readSep 8, 2021


Couple at their breakfast table holding coffe cups
Photo by Ba Tik from Pexels

Being a health zealot, my mom has always loaded our family’s meals with all kinds of “superfoods “—exotic fruits, complex-sounding “extracts”, and powdered “unheard-of” nuts.

But when I joined college and started living by myself, I neither had the time nor the patience for fancy meals — easily available “normal” foods made up my diet.

And in those 3 years, I surprisingly maintained the same level of health. And my fitness? I actually upgraded it.

Caught up in the superfood fad, we’ve overlooked some of the healthiest “common” foods — treasures hidden in plain sight. I want to share 7 such foods with you.

Whole Eggs

Eggs are complete meals by themselves — filling, protein-rich, laced with healthy omega-6 fatty acids, and treasure-troves of vitamins and minerals.

And most of this is in the yellow yolk — which we discard, citing the purported bad cholesterol increase which no studies have found a direct link to. Infact, newer studies say that dietary cholesterol intake does not even matter.

Egg whites are protein-only shells. Everything else is in the yolk — close to 50% of the egg’s…



Neeramitra Reddy
In Fitness And In Health

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