Persona- 4th March update

Alina Rus
Published in
3 min readMar 4, 2019

Here is our brief weekly update on the latest news on Persona for any of you curious about the project’s ongoing status:

Identity Wallet

As mentioned last week, we have now added backend support for credibility and trust points. In a separate phase scheduled for next week, we will add credibility and trust point mechanisms.

Persona Wallet

We have also worked on forking the Ark Wallet v2 while adding Persona support along with some new configurations and customizations and we have managed to successfully release the Windows version. Additionally we started implementing the customizations for network configurations, announcement pages, vote/revoke vote.

Currently, there’s more progress on supporting Ledger made transactions (transferring funds, voting).

Persona Enterprise Suite

The tests on docker are approaching the finish line and we will soon be ready to publish the results. Also, we almost finished the internal tests and starting next week we invite the community to test it too.

We are concentrating on delivering the full documentation needed for anyone interested in starting a Persona blockchain. Most of it is already available on

Documentation Center

On getting ready to launch the Persona Documentation Center, we’ve examined all the documents needed. This is an ongoing stage where we are granted with the help of the community.

Proof of Concept Applications

In order to provide a better perspective on the ways in which Persona can deliver trust, we are developing two applications:

1. Since spamming and fake accounts is a growing activity, we are already spending around 600 Euro/year just to protect our channels against spam for Slack and Telegram. To counterbalance and prove Persona’s capabilities, we have initiated a bot development for Slack & Telegram. Before allowing a new joiner to post, the owner of the channel can enforce the identity check against the identity in Persona by installing the Persona bot. This bot will be using Persona coins as “fuel” for the identity check.

2. E-mail phishing is next. We address this issue by developing an e-mail signing add-on for browsers and e-mail clients. It will work in a similar way to PGP (Pretty Good Privacy or Open PGP) with no encryption for the moment.

By developing these Proof of Concept applications we are aiming two goals: to establish Persona’s competences and to create a comprehensible documentation using real life scenarios.

The team’s focus for next week will be on fully integrating the credibility and trust points mechanisms in the Identity Wallet, while continuing to research and develop the client bot applications. Simultaneously, we will be releasing the much-awaited desktop wallet versions for Mac & Linux.

Mainnet migration to ARK V2

We set up to outline a plan regarding mainnet migration to Ark V2 and a copy of the mainnet is currently being built to start migration tests. Here, we rely also on the help of the community and since the community will play a very important role in this migration process updates will be available as we are progressing with our plan.

Meanwhile we continue to stabilize potential issues that are discovered by our alert community — we can’t stress enough how grateful we are to have your support!

