Warren Buffett’s 5/25 Rule WILL Sky-Rocket Your Productivity

28th November edition of the Manximize newsletter

Neeramitra Reddy
Published in
3 min readNov 28, 2022


Edited Using Fotor’s NFT Creator

If time is money, Warren with his $100+ billion net worth is a productivity tycoon.

A trait that Buffett and every successful person have in common is clarity.

When you lack clear direction, you’ll run around in circles.

Trying to go everywhere = You end up going nowhere.

So elite “productivity” burns down to “pro-DIRECTivity”—where you know your priorities and direction in life.

That’s where Warren’s 5/25 rule swoops in — a 5-minute exercise to understand your topmost priorities.

Let’s do the exercise together:

  • Step 1: List down 10 of your top goals. Don’t overthink — go off the top of your head.
  • Step 2: Add 7 more to the list. Now, you might need to think a bit.

P.S: Here are a few ideas to help you out — Bagging a pay raise. Losing weight. Building a side hustle. Journaling regularly. Spending more time with your mother. Finding love. Improving your health. Mastering the guitar. Improving your work-life balance. Building an aesthetic physique.



Neeramitra Reddy

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