Wim Hof’s Simple Admission Says It All

His 12 words changed my approach to health and healing

Andy Murphy
In Fitness And In Health


Image from wikicommons.org

For a long time, I’ve been fascinated with the mind-body connection, especially after living with anxiety and an inflamed gut. I’ve been even more impressed with people who have gone the extra mile to prove it.

Hence my interest in Wim Hof.

Ever since Wim climbed Mt. Everest in board shorts, ran a half marathon barefoot on ice, ran a full marathon through the Namibian desert without a drop of water, and was injected with a small dose of e-coli without being affected, people began to ask how he was doing what he was doing.

His response was simple: by using specific breathing exercises and meditation/visualisation techniques, he could access parts of his autonomic nervous system that changed his biological response to stress.

It was a bold claim and scientists knew it. So, a few of them decided to put him to the test while they ran some live analysis. If he passed what they had in store, he was set to change science all over the world so there was a lot riding on it. Because of that, the test was strong: Wim Hof was to stand fully submerged in an ice bath for as long as possible.

Prior to that moment, it was believed that once a person’s body temperature dropped…

