How to Snapchat like DJ Khaled

Published in
4 min readJun 2, 2017

What’s the key to building a successful brand on Snapchat?

Surely there is no prescriptive recipe you can follow. But the next best thing you can do is take a close look at the king of Snapchat himself — Mr. Dj Khaled.

Khaled took the world of social media by storm back in 2015 when he started documenting his crazy, luxurious lifestyle filled with hot tubs, pet lions, and expensive jewelry. He even posted a video of his son’s birth! He quickly became known for his prolific personality and unexpectedly real and inspiring life advice.

Since then, he’s eclipsed well over 2 million followers who watch his journey unfold on Snapchat every single day, making him one of the most popular accounts on the platform.

Brand and social media marketers are still shaking their heads in confusion.

How in the world did Khaled figure out how to do what most brands failed miserably with? How did he attract a massive, super active and inspired audience in such a short amount of time?

At Storyheap, we help the world’s top brands and influencers manage and analyze their Story performance on Snapchat and Instagram. We’re committed to helping you level up your story game just like Khaled! Sign up for a free trial to get going.

We’ve taken a close look at Khaled’s strategy over the years and boiled it down into 3 keys to snapchat success:


The trademark of Khaled’s brand is his unique ability to shine in confidence, while still appearing very real and human. While all the other influencers were worried about setting up a professional set and staging the right lighting, Khaled just started recording.

Of course, his life is crazy to us consumers. He spends crazy amounts of money on jacuzzis and gold chains. But even he, as famous as he is, shows us what it’s like to be human.

His camera angles are never perfect. He is not wearing makeup.

In an interview with Business Insider, he shared his strategy (where there really is not one):

“The thing is that what you see on Snapchat, that’s DJ Khaled. That’s Khaled for real. That’s Khaled. My fans are seeing me besides my records and music videos and interviews. They’re seeing a more spiritual and at the same time motivational and inspirational side of me being at home.”

He just hits record.

His audience came to quickly appreciate how real and transparent he was with them — as he literally just showed them his day to day life. They could feel him speaking from the heart.


The marketing world has gotten too dry. Consumers want to laugh. They want to be happy.

Khaled’s brand nailed that from the get go.

His big personality and hysterical anecdotes from his day to day life resonated extremely well with his audience. While older people perhaps could not understand his sense of humor, his followers did.

And that is really what matters.

You can read all you want about critics and press reviewing your content, but at the end of the day, the only opinion that really matters is that of your viewers.

If they enjoy your content, you do not have to worry about anything else.


The most underrated aspect of Khaled’s rise to the top on Snapchat was how hard he worked to get there. Most people discount his success by just saying “he is a celebrity, that is how he did it.”

This was not the story of an overnight success.

Khaled posts a ton. In fact, for a while, he was one of the most active profiles on the platform. For months in a row, Khaled would post every single day. For Khaled, it’s not some marketing stunt. It’s a journey.

“Right. They’re on a journey with me. And it depends on what path I want to take them that day. When I was on the jet ski, I documented it because I was scared s — less. I felt like if my battery gonna go down, somebody gonna call somebody.”

Khaled, in that same interview with Business Insider, shared his key to success for winning big on snapchat:

“The key to success is to motivate yourself and to motivate others. And to surround yourself with great people. And understand that you got to work hard if you want success. You have to know what success could come with.

I feel like if somebody was down that day and they look at my snap, I’m gonna give them a gem; give them a key to keep their head up.”

Brands should take that to heart. They should stop selling and start talking with their audience. Authenticity wins big in this world and we should never forget to be human.

Analytics dj khaled guide Snapchat story

Originally published at on June 2, 2017.

