
Conducting user research uncover pain points

Lenny Hu
3 min readMar 24, 2014

The situation

Telecure connects sick people over the phone with medical professionals. For $25 (at the time of our involvement), users receive a medical consultation and a RX prescription if needed. Because 80% of conditions can be treated over the phone and 90%+ of customers were happy with the service, this is a potentially disruptive product.

The old landing page

But there was an astronomically high bounce rate from the landing page, even though most visitors were coming from good sources.


Although we wanted to reduce the bounce rate, we felt that it was more important to take a holistic, bigger-picture approach and understand what frustrations people encounter when seeing doctors, and what motivates them to use tele-medicine.

To achieve this, we conducted 3 rounds of interviews, each with a different group of people:

  1. Recent customers
  2. Healthy non-customers
  3. Sick non-customers

1st round: We interviewed customers who called and were successfully diagnosed in the past week. Because the experience was still fresh on their mind (some customers were still sick), we were able gather valuable insights. We discovered:

  • How they felt when they were sick
  • What they typically do when sick
  • Why they decided to call
  • How they felt about the service
  • Their thoughts after using the service
Organizing our 1st round findings

2nd round: We stopped people on the streets and/or coffee shops and conducted guerrilla tests. We wanted to see how people without knowledge of Telecure perceived and interacted with the site. We discovered:

  • Their perception of the service
  • How they navigated the site
  • Their concerns about the service
  • If they would use the service

Yes, we even asked the trap question “Would you use this product?” Surprisingly, people said they wouldn’t (typically, they’d shrug and say ‘sure’), resurfacing one of the issues we uncovered during the 1st round of interviews. Now we knew we were on the right track.

3rd round: We went to an urgent care clinic and interviewed patients as they were being admitted. We wanted to know what they dreaded about going to the doctor. We discovered:

  • How sick people felt waiting in an urgent care lobby
  • Their experience with urgent care
  • What they typically do, and what options they had
  • Their concerns about the medical office
Wearing our interviewer costumes


With insights from research, we:

  1. Revamped the landing page, and increased successfully converted users.
  2. Created a taskflow and customer journey map to identify opportunities for improvement in the future.
Customer Journey Map



Lenny Hu

Co-founder @ YesInsights, Product Designer @ Kissmetrics. I like brains and design.