Boom! Silent period finally over! Investment funds to acquire UniFox. Dividens to be distributed. What more?

Interest of two investment funds forced us to get silent for certain period of time. UniFox is ready to get the best out of the current market conditions and prepares for the main sale! Are you ready?

UniFox Official
2 min readJul 14, 2019


Silent period

Lots of you were questioning why there was no hot update during the previous weeks despite the great progress we had made exactly how the roadmap claimed. This behavior had a very good reason which we could not share with the community earlier due to legal NDA from the investment funds that we are currently negotiating the final steps of acquiring with. The silent period was part of the agreement we had made in order not to disclose the UniFox’s know how, crucial markets and connections.

Investment funds will help UniFox to reach the main sale goals, IEO and management functions. Its goal will be to push UniFox to the world class player which will play a crucial role in the cryptocurrency adoption. Also, the funds will bring extra funding tools that will help the company to reach the targets.

The funds’ names will be festively announced together with the new countries opening.


Nothing has ever stopped us from the company’s mission which is to make cryptocurrencies being used worldwide just like fiat money. In the previous months we reinforced the online local exchange “Unichange” role in the central Europe market that currently bring valuable revenue. Also, dozens of shops have already been using UniFox POS terminals to accept cryptocurrencies! Together with ATMs orders all around the world (mainly Asia and Western Europe) our revenue has been remarkable which is great news for all of FOX token holders!

There will be dividends distributed worth of 4% of one’s FOX current holding. This is the another step to reward long time holders that were lucky enough to take part in presale.

Main Sale

The news we all have been waiting for is here! After the negotiations and discussion with the investment funds we decided to run the main sale in Initial Exchange Offering model. It means that the main sale will be launched on one or more exchanges and FOX coins will be sold directly from one or more exchange(s). This will provide enough credibility and trust to the community. We decided to follow successful and trustworthy projects that had decided to run IEO previously, too. We believe this model will delight everyone of UniFox community!

We are currently applying to chosen exchanges that have showed reputable behavior during the past months which will ensure professional cooperation and the main sale offering.

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UniFox Official

Imagine MasterCard for cryptocurrencies. UniFox present a complete crypto ecosystem to help the adoption of blockchain technology in the world.