QuickNote : Network not working on ubuntu cosmic

Chris Phillips
1 min readNov 5, 2018

I installed ubuntu cosmic and upgraded so everything was on the latest package in the ubuntu repos.

I rebooted and then the onboard network card failed to get an IP. Now this is not a guide on how to debug it, but just how i fixed it.

This is not my first rodeo and so I have a USB wifi card sitting in my box of cables just for these occasions. Once I plugged it in decided to try the original kernel. A quick reboot later everything was working fine. So it was a problem with the 4.18.11 kernel.

So I looked at how to patch to 4.19.1 to see if this fixed the problem and I came across UKUU from this link (https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/02/ukuu-easy-way-to-install-mainline-kernel-ubuntu)

This awesome app gives me a standalone interface for controlling which kernels i have installed and installing the latest. I used the app to install 4.19.1 did a reboot and everything worked fine.



Chris Phillips

Pink Teddy gets sent to help his owner's Daddy. All opinions are of Chris Phillips, IBM Master Inventor, API SME, Governance SME for IBM Cloud Services