Amigo da Casa
4 min readAug 2, 2017


As I watch the tentacles of global American surveillance and outright mind control extend and expand, driven by agents such as the above, there’s only one dimension I track: wired or wireless. This is the single most explosive issue in the world right now. The big question is: can the American corporate-military-academic oligarchy roll out 5G, aka the Internet of Things, aka Long-Term Evolution, before the health impacts of irradiating entire populations at close range with pulsed microwaves become so apparent that they cannot possibly be hidden any longer? Like — Thalidomide?

Based on the estimates of Mr Barrie Trower, the British Government’s former top scientist in the field of microwave warfare, a minimum of 3% of the population will be killed or incapacitated. The CDC now reports that more than 2% of children in the USA are in the “autism spectrum”. All your children are on Ritalin, sleeping pills, headache medication. Your sperm counts have plummeted (first ever known symptom of microwave radiation, Russian radar operators in WW2 who stood in front of their radar antennas to keep warm, were sterilised. Then they started going blind with weird cataracts.) The largest health insurer in South Africa reports a particular epidemic of testicular cancer in the last few years. No one connects the dots.

I taught kindergarten and primary school music for three years in a Third World African country. Every single child I saw had symptoms of ADD. My master’s degree was on the language of the classroom and “attention”, I am the only person who ever measured attention in the classroom accurately and reliably and validly. I am telling you, *every single one* of your children, without exception, from the brightest to the dimmest, is showing signs of neurological damage. Their parents agree. The American kids I tutored here, would tell me their Ritalin schedules so we could plan our lessons. I was grateful for their expert guidance.

The Russian government guideline — I have personally checked this with the head of the radiation protection agency — is that no one under the age of 18 should *ever* use a mobile phone. Their immune, hormonal, and nervous systems are still developing. In the UK, it’s no use for anyone under 8, and under 16, only in emergencies. In the USA, you put huge cellphone masts in kindergarten playgrounds. And make cartoon-character phones for children. And put microwave transmitters on babies’ cribs. In the Third World, not a single warning has been given. The WHO’s EMF Project is run by a microwave engineer with no health or biological background whatsoever, setting the world’s radiation agenda. The most important guideline for researchers: DO NOT research health around masts, especially not cancer around masts. There cannot be a problem. And there is not one single study on masts and health in the USA. And your 1996 Communications Act forbids you from saying one word about health in a public forum, if the radiation is under FCC guidelines (the worst in the whole world). An outdated FCC thermal guideline trumps all your so-called “free speech”.

Go and watch Tom Wheeler announcing 5G, and warning in the most menacing that no one must get in the way of this technology. How we’re going to track your shoelaces and belt buckles and shirt buttons and banknotes and coins in your pocket in real time across the landscape via RFID dots. Including the rural landscape, specifically, nowhere to hide. And see how a Bloomberg reporter had his credentials withdrawn, just for talking to an activist who dared to show him a T-shirt (in a bag, he wasn’t wearing it) in the lobby. The security guards saw this, and withdrew the journalist’s accreditation. He got it back with an apology from Wheeler, but there was one tiny little glitch in the rollout of the total worldwide Nazi microwave platform. All credit to Bloomberg for calling it out.

There’s a platform coming, it’s called fibre. There’s a platform coming, it’s called wireless, it’s going to be used for emergencies, and we’ll have a proper emergency system with bandwidth that is not clogged by kids uploading porn they just filmed in the school toilet. There’s a big platform of platforms coming, I call it the Threefold Platform: one purely commercial hub, driven by a united need to make sure all transactions are secure and non-fraudulent; one “rights” hub, where people access all government and social services, have the “right” to an email to communicate in the digital era, and even a blog space, all based on equality; and the cultural and artistic hub, based on the notion of “freedom”, and where anything goes. And any level of hate speech against lawyers is not just tolerated, but actively encouraged. That is my dream Threefold Commonwealth Platform.

This is, sadly, going to be my last post on Medium for the time being. This is a *very* erratic platform, two times out of three when I log on, I can’t click in the box to make a response. I managed to comment on an article on OCD only by clicking obsessively in the comment box, until I actually short-circuited the system and it said, Be The First To Comment, under the other comments, so that one sure snuck in under the radar. I’ve been trying this morning to make a comment on an article on the “attention economy”, but the platform just won’t let me, whatever I try. I’m tired of battling this, so I’m off QRT until Medium jacks its platform up a bit and makes it a little easier for correspondents from the Third World (South) to comment. I’m sure it’s nothing personal. I do not follow my stats, I don’t have time, but if you’ve been following these erratic posts, I truly thank you most sincerely for your attention. I’ve just been leaving a bit of a paper trail, a security precaution. Much of it is to indicate that I’m in a generally peppy mood, not inclined to write suicide notes, if you follow me. On the other hand, they may turn out to be assisted-suicide notes, if I write much more like this. So. Thanks for all the fish and all the very best from the magical Kingdom of eSwatini.

