Fosha: The fastest and most secure decentralized node

4 min readJan 28, 2018


Fosha is a private blockchain node synced with popular decentralized networks. The node provides a fast, stable and secure access to decentralized networks and can be used by developers or traders to create contracts, sign transactions and call functions. Fosha API is scalable and fully compatible with JSON-RCP standards and web3 libraries. In addition Fosha also provides an updated snapshot of the chaindata in a convenient format which can be used to create a personal node.

What is Fosha?

Fosha is basically a gateway to decentralized networks. It’s a service that provides access to the blockchain. Just like your ISP provides access to the internet. Fosha service consists of a service layer and nodes behind it. Nodes are connected and fully synced with the blockchain. Fosha service layer doesn’t only offer a proxy connection to the nodes, but handles load, calculates certain requests and offers advanced security. Just like crypto world is vastly growing, Fosha services are fully scalable to handle the increased demand for multiple blockchains.

Our service layer was build from the ground up and can support multiple blockchains. It currently only supports access to Ethereum and Litecoin network, but will be expanded soon.

Fosha is a private node, which means that only users with an active subscription can access our services. We want to offer premium services to users who need a fast, secure and reliable access to the blockchain. Access is only possible with an access token, which can be obtained on Fosha Website. Pricing is simple — 1 month subscription = 15eur equivalent in ETH (currently: 0.016 ETH), 3 months subscription = 14eur per month (currently: 0.044 ETH) and 1 year subscription = 13eur per month (currently: 0.165 ETH). Subscription covers our monthly expenses for running multiple servers and maintenance service. We think this model is most fair for everyone — you know what you are paying for and we know we’ll be able to cover our montly expenses.

Why use Fosha?

Fosha is a “premium” service and as such is intended for advanced users. We are aware anyone can run its own node or use free public services, that offer access similar to ours, but we also know the disadvantages of both. Running a private node can be quite a hassle — good computer hardware and electricity can be expensive and obtaining a fast and reliable internet connection is sometimes imposible. Using a public node can solve those problems — but you have to know you are connecting to the blockchain through a single endpoint thousands of others are also using at that moment. You’ll probably experience slower operation of services when the network gets congested. Fosha solves all those issues. By being a “premium service” we can control the number of users and provide the best service to anyone using it. Fosha also offers access to multiple blockchains, which means its users can easily switch between them and make requests on any network supported.

How to use Fosha?

Fosha is a service layer that is primary intented for developers or traders, but can also be used by exchanges or other service providers. The endpoint accepts standard remote procedure calls (RPC), which enables developers an easy integration with existing applications and flexibility while developing new ones. Not all RPC methods are supported — some nodes aren’t build for public use and offer methods that could harm our systems or other users. This are disabled for security reasons.

Developers can use Fosha RPC in their application by making a POST or GET request on the provided HTTPS Endpoint. Example:

$ curl -X POST -H “Content-Type: application/json” — data ‘{“jsonrpc”: “2.0”, “id”: 1, “method”: “eth_blockNumber”, “params”: []}’ “[access_token]"

Developers can also take advantage of Web3 Ethereum Javascipt library. Example:

var Web3 = require(‘web3’);
var web3 = new Web3();
web3.setProvider(new web3.providers.HttpProvider(‘[access_token]')); web3.eth.getBlockNumber().then(console.log);

How to use Fosha with Metamask?

Fosha is fully compatible with Metamask addon for Chrome, Opera and Brave (Firefox is not supported). If you are experiencing a slow connection with Metamask default services, you might want to switch to Fosha Custom RPC. Access can be obtained by subscribing to a plan on Fosha Website and receiving an access token.

If you wish to use Fosha RPC in Metamask, just click “Main network” in the header of the addon, search for “Custom RPC” option, enter “New RPC Url” as[access_token] (replace [access_token] with your access token) and click “Save”. You are now connected to Ethereum blockchain via Fosha Custom RPC.

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us via e-mail at or Twitter at @foshasupport.

/ Fosha




Fosha is a private blockchain node synced with popular decentralized networks. The node provides a fast, stable and secure access to decentralized networks.