3 Incredibly Wise Quotes by Naval Ravikant That Have Actually Changed My Life

And (if applied) can change your life as well

Neeramitra Reddy
Published in
4 min readOct 12, 2021


Picture of Naval Ravikant in a black jacket
Free to use photo by Tech Crunch on Flickr

Naval Ravikant is one of the wisest men to have ever walked the planet. And he isn’t stingy with distributing his wisdom.

He disseminates it in concise ultra-distilled doses through his podcast and tweet-storms. Quickly lapping it up, the internet wrings out iconic quotes from it.

While every Naval quote is a delicious concoction of insight that I love devouring from time to time, 3 of them have proved outright life-changing.

I want to share them with you — I hope they prove life-altering for you as well.

What Efficient Work Really Is Like

If you’ve been a constant reader of mine, you’d have seen me quote this at least a million times.

Forty-hour workweeks are a relic of the Industrial Age. Knowledge workers function like athletes — train and sprint, then rest and reassess.”

This quote encompasses all productivity advice—work in short focused bursts, indulge in mind-recharging breaks, and repeat. Studies have found this to boost your productivity



Neeramitra Reddy

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