Once We Were Friends

But I wish we could have been more

Carolyn Riker
Put It To Rest


Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

You are going to be okay
even though
you’ve been triggered.

You don’t know why
it hurts so much
but still, the pain
trickles through.

It is as if we are strangers
and yet, I can still hear
your soft words.

You are beautiful.
I love you.
Please don’t change.

But now?
When the tide goes out
it never returns.

Those apologies lay barren
on a deserted beach,
picked clean
from the scavengers
seeking those morsels
of what went wrong.

The apologies
are on repeat
I’m so sorry I hurt you.

And you said,
Why, of course, I am sorry too.

Sometimes we hurt the ones
we love the most,
to find our deepest discoveries.
To see how we are similar
and also…



Carolyn Riker
Put It To Rest

Carolyn's latest book, The Colors I Hear, is now available!