Make a decision. Today.

How to make those decisions that will impact our lives in a positive way.

2 min readDec 16, 2013

Over the past few months I’ve been thinking about the choices we make in life and what impact they have on our life-path.

Many times, I’ve been avoiding to make a choice, out of fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of what could happen if the choice turned out to be a bad one.

It may seem that when you’re not completely sure of something, the best thing to do is to postpone the decision to a later point in life, when you’ll be more knowledgable or wise. This may well be a reasonable thing to do. It may be common sense. But as we all know, what is common sense is not always true or good for us.

One of my New Year’s Resolutions for 2013 is to make as many choices as I can, regardless of the information or knowledge I have about each topic. To undertake as many different roads as possible, to walk new paths I’ve never walked before and to live this one life we have to the fullest.

Because, whether the choice we make is good or bad, it’s the experience that counts. The journey we undertake. So, if it ends up being good — great, it’s an awesome thing. And if it ends up being bad — you still learned something from it.

Never give up on the opportunity to make a choice. It’s your choice what kind of life you will live. So do it. Now. And every day.

And serendipity will follow you every step of the way.




#espresso addict | Outreach Manager at @scanadu | face behind @TEDxBrussels | volunteer at @iwithorg