How I Became A Quora Top Writer as a College Student

You don’t need to ‘live’ to become a successful writer.

Anangsha Alammyan
Freelancer’s Hub
Published in
3 min readOct 6, 2021


Image from Author’s Instagram

I was 21 when I announced to my friends, “I want to be a Quora Top Writer.”

One of my closest friends told me, “That’s IMPOSSIBLE. There’s no way you can do it!”

I should have been sad, but he’d challenged my inner competitive brat. “Why is it impossible?” I retorted.

“Because the existing Top Writers are entrepreneurs and PhDs. They have years of experience when you’re just a college student. They write on 20+ topics. How can you match that?”

My friend didn’t mean to discourage me. He truly believed it was impossible for a novice like me who hadn’t even started her life to make it among the elite group of CEOs and public servants who were awarded the “Top Writers” on Quora every year.

There was some truth in what he said. But not enough to make me want to give up.

I had no experience, but I had imagination.

I couldn’t write about how I sold my business for $2Bn, but I could write about my life as a girl in an engineering college.

I couldn’t write about how I cracked the UPSC exams in one try, but I could write about the boy I fell in love with when I was 17 and…

