Bullet List With UIKit

10 min readNov 29, 2022

Occasionally, an iOS application may need to present information in a list format — just like the one in a word processing document or slide presentation.

One way to create a list is by using UITableView. This article shows how to create a list using other UIKit structs and classes.

I also have a SwiftUI version of this article!

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood: https://www.pexels.com/photo/notebook-1226398/

What is a bullet list?

Grammarly blog: “…a bullet list is a series of items with a heading broken up by dotted points. Bullet lists identify key items or denote significance when order does not matter.

In the Web or tech community, a bullet list is also known as an unordered list.

What is a numbered list?

YourDictionary: “A list whose items are numbered, with various styles including Arabic numerals and Roman numerals.”

A numbered list is also known as an ordered list since the order of the list items is significant.

What is a bullet?

Wikipedia: “In typography, a bullet or bullet point, •, is a typographical symbol or glyph used to introduce items in a list.”

There are other commonly used symbols such as asterisk (*), dash (-), plus (+), period (.), square (■), diamond (◆), or hollow-circle (○). Basically, we can use any…




Enthusiastic application and web developer since the mid-90s. Currently living in South East Asia. Manage to stay pretty foolish but not very hungry. :-)