Lego Set 36 — Hunchback

Francisco Duarte
2 min readNov 21, 2021


There are ‘Mechs that are just iconic. Machines that are a staple of a setting and make a mark for bringing some truly unique design elements to the table that set them apart from others within the same franchise and other settings too. In my opinion, the Hunchback from BattleTech is one of such Mechs. Thus, today I bring you this very design and one that I am quite proud about. Also, it will be the first ‘Mech presented in the new game-agnostic layout.

This model uses around 50 parts and comes in Free World League’s colors. After all, the League was the sole manufacturer of the Hunchback for most of the Succession Wars. Still, the design was widespread enough to be commonly used by most factions. The Combine and the Confederation especially liked to use it due to the one-hit-kill potential provided by the large-bore autocannon that dominates the upper torso. This makes it perfect for the duelist traditions of those nations’ militaries.

Interestingly enough, this model was itself based on a prior attempt to make a Hunchback IIC in real life — which is more or less the opposite of what happens in the setting, as in BattleTech the Hunchback IIC was developed by the Clans as an improvement over the original. In the end, it was the first of the two to be made digitally. Still, there are plans to make the IIC variant, I’ll just need a bit more time.

While I fully intend to keep making ‘Mechs, I would also like to make more Warships. That later project may go through a restructuring. I am not happy with the current scale of the Warships and I am making some efforts to push it down a bit more. I will keep you posted on that.

However, I also think that including the ships in the Mecha Sundays is not really topical. Thus, I’m considering making another post during the week for warships. Maybe Warship Wednesdays? What do you think? Would you like to see Mechs and ships running parallel to each other?

Let me know.



Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: