The Black Aesthetic Project

Marcus Julien Lee
3 min readNov 25, 2014

Ferguson, USA

This is a visual story about police brutality and young black males.

According to Darren Wilson, Mike Brown looked like a “demon” in the moments leading up to his murder. When I look at this picture, I see a human.

Mike Brown met his unfortunate fate because he fit the description. Young. Black. Male. I imagine my brother’s face plastered across the front page of CNN. Or my best friend. I see myself next to the word “DEAD” in bold letters.

Mike Brown lies motionless for 4 hours after he was attacked.

Do we still ask whether Mookie did the right thing by throwing that trash can through Sal’s window after the death of Radio Raheem?

Photo from “Do the Right Thing” by Spike Lee

Or are you just shocked to realize that Ferguson, USA is not a movie?

Photo by Adrees Latif/Reuters.
Photo by Lucas Jackson/Reuter
Screenshot of ABC news broadcast

This is America: The Land of the Free

Photo by Robert Cohen/Zuma Wire

Where black lives don’t matter.

Police sick K-9 unit on protestors during Civil Rights movement.
Photographer Name Unknown/Getty Images

Where justice is reserved for those with weapons.

Photo by Jeff Roberson/Associated Press

I’m lucky my mother never let me play with airsoft guns. That would’ve given the police license to kill me. I’m even scared now to wear my favorite hoodie because they’ll think I’m a thug.

Shit, Tamir Rice was 12 years old. We could all be targets.

Tamir Rice; Unknown date 2001 or 2002 — November 22, 2014

How can we live like this?

Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images

How will we survive them?

Michael Brown; May 20, 1996 — August 9, 2014
John Crawford; Unknown date 1991 or 1992 — August 5, 2014
Oscar Grant; February 27, 1986 — January 1, 2009
Eric Garner; September 15, 1970 — July 17, 2014
Trayvon Martin; February 5, 1995 — February 26, 2012

We cannot resurrect these black lives who were unfairly stripped of all potential.

Jordan Davis; Unknown date 1994 or 1995 — November 23 2012

But we can fight for their images to live on forever. We owe it to them, we owe it to each other, we owe it to ourselves.

Photo by Jim Young/Reuters


A collection of images that show Mike Brown’s life.

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