San Francisco

Tess Russell

5 min readOct 6, 2014

Tess lives and works in San Francisco. You can follow her @tessruss if sporadic tweets about feminism and pop culture are your thing.

Monday, September 15:

Number of times in one day: 5


Who: Short dude, plainly dressed
What: Unwanted look/staring
When: 7:45 a.m.
Where: Washington Square Park
Alone: Yes


Who: Homeless man with a long beard in a Niners jacket
What: “Cool hair beautiful”
When: 8:15 a.m
Where: Near Westfield Mall
Alone: Yes


Who: Heavier dude in a hoodie
What: “Dayummm”
When: 8:21 a.m
Where: Market and 6th
Alone: Yes


Who: 35ish dude, camo pants, black glasses
What: “You’re very pretty ma’am. Have a nice day. I like your hair.”
When: 8:22 a.m
Where: Market and 7th
Alone: Yes
Notes: Apparently this is the world’s politest catcaller


Who: Two dudes moving boxes
What: “Fuck she a freak” (one of them said to the other)
When: 8:26 a.m
Where: Market between 8th/9th
Alone: Yes

Tuesday, September 16:

Number of times: 1


Who: 20-something guy walking with his girlfriend
What: Creepy look at my legs
When: 7:01 p.m.
Where: Market at South Van Nes
Alone: Yes

Wednesday, September 17:

Number of times: 4


Who: Two middle-aged European guys sitting at a café
What: Leering
When: 8:36 a.m.
Where: Vallejo and Columbus
Alone: Yes


Who: Creepy old man putting up a sign outside a restaurant
What: Staring, mumbling stuff about my looks, actually followed me down the block a way.
When: 8:38 a.m.
Where: Somewhere on Columbus
Alone: Yes


Who: Youngish guy unpacking ice from a truck
What: Checked me out
When: 8:52 a.m.
Where: Market at Grant
Alone: Yes
Notes: This felt mildly less creepy because the guy was sorta hot. Is that terrible?


Who: Nightclub bouncer
What: Stared up and down my legs
When: 8:58 a.m.
Where: Market and 6th
Alone: Yes

Thursday, September 18:

Number of times: 1


Who: Group of construction workers
What: Lots of staring, one of them said “Sup”
When: 10:53 a.m.
Where: Market and 9th
Alone: Yes

Friday, September 19:

Number of times: 1

Who: Group of dudes at Dobbs Ferry in Hayes Valley
When: Friday night
Alone: No
Notes: This one requires some explanation because it’s a different type of scenario, though still qualifies as unwanted attention. Basically there was a group of four men sitting next to my cousin and me while we were getting food and drinks. They tried to engage us a few times and we were polite but not giving off any vibes that we really wanted to talk to them (she lives out of town so we were obviously more interested in catching up with each other). As we were on our way out, one of them “apologized” for their friend being loud and obnoxious — might have just been another attempt to talk to us — and suddenly the obnoxious dude starts interrogating us about whether we vote and whether we would vote for Hillary Clinton. I must admit, I love to take the bait when I can tell someone is a right-wing woman hater, so I answered that of course I would consider voting for her, at which point he told me that I was “everything that’s wrong with America today.” Homeboy probably needs to find a new city if he doesn’t like liberal folk!

Saturday, September 20:

Number of times: 2


Who: Bodega owner
What: “You have a beautiful smile”
When: About 10:30 a.m.
Where: Corner store near my house (not my regular one where I’m friends with the owners)


Who: Group of dudes in car
What: Slowed down near me while I was walking home and asked “How’s your night”
When: 10:12 p.m.
Where: Grant and Union, about two blocks from my apartment
Notes: UGH. This is the worst thing — I have no idea why even the sleaziest man would think it’s okay to stalk

Sunday, September 21:

Number of times: None (TBH, I straight up did not leave my house all day on Sunday.)

Monday, September 22:

Number of times: 3


Who: Enormous dude
What: Creepy look, “Can I get a smile”
When: 8:58 a.m.
Where: Sacramento and Montgomery


Who: Family of tourists
What: The father stared at me for a pretty extended moment
When: 9:16 a.m.
Where: Market and 6th


Who: Big group of men
What: Surrounded and hassled us when we were trying to walk down the street
When: Around 11 p.m.
Where: Columbus and Broadway
Notes: Interestingly, this is the only time I got any unwanted attention when I was with other people — two friends, one male and one female. I guess after a night spent in strip clubs they were feeling particularly emboldened in their objectifying efforts :-p

