Top 5 ways Dropbox can help you succeed in college

Let us help make your life a little less stressful

Dropbox for Students
2 min readAug 27, 2015


Going to college comes with more than enough challenges to keep you busy. Living on your own for the first time, having to eat dorm food every day, taking large lecture classes — the list is endless. But with the help of Dropbox, you can make that list of challenges much more manageable.

Dropbox does much more than store your files. Think of it as a magic folder on all your devices that connects them and makes all your documents, photos, and videos accessible any time, anywhere. Here are the top five ways Dropbox can help you succeed in college:

  1. Access your files from anywhere: Install Dropbox on all of your devices, and you’ll always have everything you need — from lecture notes to term papers to problem sets.
  2. Share files with classmates and professors: Collaborate on projects, or turn in assignments right from your computer.
  3. Keep all of your files safe: Everyone has that friend who spilled coffee on their laptop and lost everything. But if you add files to your Dropbox, that friend will never be you!
  4. Easily organize all of your files: Create folders that organize information by semester, class, or club so you can conveniently keep track and find anything you need.
  5. Share photos from events: Easily share pictures from formals, homecoming, or spring break, and make your memories last a lifetime.

Want to learn more? Check out this video to figure out exactly what Dropbox is all about:

Learn more or sign up at

Written by Rachel Hansen



Dropbox for Students

Dropbox is the world’s first smart workspace that helps people and teams focus on the work that matters.