Dark Country Road

Do you dare to travel down the road?

The Comic Jam
Jan 22, 2024

What is it that compels travellers to venture down the dark country roads? Why don’t they just skip them and stay in a nice B&B?

Story and Letters by Kevin D. Lintz | Art by Rob Toal

Kevin D. Lintz is a comic book letterer, writer, and editor. He learned his skills in a Comics Experience class and honed them on the mean streets of his all-ages comic book, Team SLUG. He startles his family by making sound effect noises out loud to try and translate them into written words. He has even watched “Helvetica”, the full-length feature movie about the font Helvetica. https://lintzlettering.com/

Rob Toal studied cartooning, illustration, and fine art painting at the School of Visual Arts in NYC where he lives with his wife and daughter. You can see more of his work at https://robtoal.myportfolio.com/ or follow him on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/robtoal



The Comic Jam

A group of independent artists and writers collaborating to create short comics based on weekly themes.