A Simple Emotional Model of Depression.

How looking at things simply can bring profound shifts.

Dr. Maureen Magauran
Thrive Global


Having worked with hundreds of people with depression I have become familiar with an emotional model of depression. Emotions can become repressed when there’s no outlet or way to to express them, creating an emotional blockage and backup that leads to feeling stuck. This can manifest as physical problems or the emotional sense of hopelessness and despair.

This simpler model I am sharing of depression and how it can evolve helps with healing.

Emotions are an energy that wants to move. If it is not expressed, it gets held inside us. There may have been times in your life that you didn’t have the support to let them move, or you felt completely overwhelmed by them, so you had no choice but to suppress them. This suppression can show up in all sorts of ways with something as simple as a sore throat or myriad physical disorders. Quite often in my clients depression manifests itself as a certain stickiness or a feeling of dread or something they don’t want to look at. There is often a sense of loss and hopelessness.

The biggest obstacle is a fear of the emotion, that it will never end, that it will overwhelm you again, that you will never stop crying, that you will be forever left with this painful feeling.



Dr. Maureen Magauran
Thrive Global

Holistic psychiatry, energy work & meditation. Helping you live more while doing less. Get your free Slowing Down Time meditation. https://t.ly/83hx