You Are Forced to Live Mediocre Life

If you do not create opportunities in crisis

Shyamdeo Ranjan
a Few Words


Photo by Kace Rodriguez on Unsplash

There are a lot of external factors that force you to live a mediocre life, like Covid-19 the Russia and Ukraine war. And many more, but we can think about the first and second world war situations. Now we can learn many things from our history and create new opportunities for society.

Few people believe to create opportunities in crisis:

Many startup Founders are getting funds because they created an opportunity for Billions of People in these adverse conditions. But, not only startups founders, many people break their parents' and society's beliefs, and they achieved extraordinary in their lives. Because they created opportunities in their crisis.

Covid-19 did not happen only for selected people; it happened with everyone, including you and me.

I have created a Blog amid Covid-19; before covid, we do not know anything about WordPress websites and SEO; that 6-month of lockdown teaches me many things. I am started earning $1 per month. Mediocre lives only break if you have enough earnings every month. then there is no worry for external circumstances.

“Never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do…



Shyamdeo Ranjan
a Few Words

Founder @ TIFFINQNQ. An avid book reader, Serial Entrepreneur, Believe in building people’s lives!