Pitching ideas and adding value.

If only you knew how to get them interested AND Sold.

Jason W. Roulston


This term “adding value” is used reasonably frequently if you work in the services industry - but what does it mean?

I continue to have the fortunate opportunity of working with some of the smartest digital talent in the industry, and what I’ve come to learn is this; talk is cheap, action is useless and our ideas are crap. Most of the time.

See “Adding Value” to others, is quintessential especially if you’re in the services business, that’s obvious. To win, here’s what you have to do; You have to get out of your own way and learn to ask clever questions, before doing anything!

What I mean here is, we spend way to much time talking around our offices, then wasting time on crappy ideas that most likely won’t go anywhere. Why ? Because most of you haven’t got a clue on how to sell what you’re genuinely passionate about, not even to a single person. BIG problem.

If you learnt how to sell, you’d understand why people buy and 80% of your ideas would probably go out the window, leaving you to focus on the good ones!

What to do now? Get interested in first class sales content — I know where to find tonnes of it. Pitching your idea’s properly and winning, is super fun. Knowing how to sell things the right way, will reshape and remodel everything you do — then you’d be adding value. However, at the end of the day, if sales is just not your thing, find someone who you can stand (whose good), and get them to help you, I also know tonnes of them ☺

This interviewee is a little slow, but it’s real, and I like him for his genuine approach and good questions!

PS. If you found value in this, it would mean a lot to me for you to scroll down and hit the recommend button. Thank you very much for reading!

