Day 61: You are a donkey if you are still waiting for the right time.

Gabriel Machuret
The Lead Generation Path
3 min readAug 6, 2017

Time is what we want the most, but what we use the worst

Wake up… there is no “right time” to start.

And although this post may hurt your feelings…. It’s time, to be honest, and face the reality: You are running out of time

Yesterday you said today and today you are telling me that may be next week will be the right time.

It’s time to stop looking for inspiration. For motivation. For the right path. For the ideal business plan. For the ideal coach or for the unique moment when you feel “in the zone” to take action to improve your life.

Yes. I get it.

It’s never the right time …. and that’s why you keep watching inspirational videos online and seeking for the perfect motivational quote on Instagram….

We keep looking for shit instead of doing the shit we need to do to improve our life

We keep eating crappy food even if we know that stuff is not good

We keep feeding the procrastination beast.

We keep hanging around with the people that don’t raise our standards

we keep pretending that everything it’s so complex…

and keep faking how hard we work towards our dreams …. and how badly we really want it”…

The truth is that we love to be victims of our own reality show and we act offended when someone calls us lazy.

Yes… I know the feeling:

We love to tell the world how complex “out situation is” and how “it’s easier for anyone else”…. but we still binge Netflix, Youtube Videos and we still think we are just one step closer to find the “secret part of the puzzle”.

Well… guess what… there is no puzzle.
There is no blueprint.
You don’t need more “preparation”… you just need to pack your bag, buy a ticket and climb the mountain.

Your inner mountain.


Life is not a Walt Disney Ride where you have to wait 55 minutes before jumping in.

Fuck waiting.

Do it now.

So stop telling me that next year you will be ready…. or stop telling me how much you are “reading about it”… or that you are still considering it.

If you are going to do it: do the world a favour and do it….
and if you don’t: then shut your mouth and move on in silene.

The reality is that you have all the tools.
You have the right people.
You have the time.
You live in the best time in human history to DO stuff. To create. To build. To transcend. To make a difference.

Stop complaining.

You now have 10000 times more opportunities than your parents ever had.
The world is a smaller place.
Traveling has never been easier.
Education is at the door steps of a Search Term in Google
and failing it’s easier, cheaper and less traumatic than before.

You now live in a world where action-takers win the game… and every day there are thousands of games to be played.

You don’t need a degree, a CV’s, contacts, or unique connections.

You don’t need to conform to live a shitty life.

The way you see life is the way life looks at you — so stop bitching and stop praising what you have.

Trust me:

Just take the first step and be prepared to fall and enjoy the fact that progress has ups and downs.

So there is no right time.

There is only the movement we take towards achieving goals. Towards being happier, towards being better humans being .
Embrace your fear. Give them a hug. Treat your fears like a teddy bear and keep climbing.

Smile to the fact you have no fucking idea
and celebrate the fact you are living… and living and taking action makes you a doer, …a survivor…. a real human.

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Gabriel Machuret
The Lead Generation Path

SEO & ASO Consultant and Internet Marketing Expert — Founder of Startup founders