Why You Shouldn’t (Immediately) Dismiss Controversial Data Sources

From the guy who talked about porn stars in a job interview.

Zach Quinn
Pipeline: Your Data Engineering Resource


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You Should Never Set Out To Be This Type Of Controversial Data Science Candidate

A dashboard called Tragedy Porn.
The now-infamous porn star dashboard. Courtesy of the author.

Let’s get something out of the way: Controversial != edgy.

If you’ve stumbled upon my humble publication, it’s most likely through my story about how I presented a dashboard on porn stars in a data analyst job interview.

Since its publication, I’ve received comments about how “bold” it was of me to make such a presentation; in a job interview, no less!

Here’s the thing: I didn’t set out to be controversial or edgy.

In my mind, edginess is like streaking: it’s the fastest way to draw the wrong kind of…

