The Limits of Possible Multiverses
(these notes were found in a chest of …. the handwriting was recognized as belonging to Agent 99, it is speculated that 99 used this document as a potential guide for new recruits that were going to be traveling with him for any appreciable amount of time, accordingly the document was brought to the West Coast Offices of Illuminati Ganga for re-rendering and storage)
Max Tegmark, a cosmologist, had a taxonomy of universes defined, although there were only 4 levels, which seems somewhat sparse for a taxonomy — perhaps it is fair to call it a shopping list of universes if you’re going to the bakery on a Sunday morning
The 4 levels he defined were as follows
Level 1: Universes existing as extensions to our Universe
which is wrong.
Level II: Universes with different physical laws than ours.
This is not wrong, but the the description of how it works is wrong. So it’s wrong. More on this in a bit.
Level III: The Many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics
Described here
This is sort of right, but it has some things it is wrong about, so it is also wrong. More on this in a bit.
Level IV: The Ultimate ensemble
Any Universe that can be mathematically described will be real. This is probably true, but not provable.
The Real Deal
What it actually is — the many different worlds of quantum mechanics bit is pretty much right — however it should be noted that the main difference is that if you go far enough back and branch off then you can get universes with different physical laws and different mathematical descriptions than our own.
This is actually really important because of course in the early Single Universe, there was a tremendous amount of free, unbound energy — and the potential of that energy is what allowed many more universes to split off at the quantum level.
One of the most well known and rigorous proofs of our Multiverse is the Cantelwitz conjecture which demonstrates that there is a simple reality maintaining function preventing most time alterations from creating real permanent branches in reality, and part of that prevention has to do with conservation of energy — but in the early UR-universe there was energy to spare, so the most branches in reality were created there — and because of how early they were in the creation of the universe, because of the fact that they led to universes that often had wildly differing physical laws and mathematical constraints, because of the amount of energy it would take to navigate to exact moment of reality branching to move up to a different stream, it means that these realities are not findable by ours. I’ll just add a real meaningful “supposedly” here, in case anyone has read this far.
Can We Access The Ur-Universe? Does it still exist?
There is no meaningful way for us that the UR-Universe still exists, when a river branches into two, the river from which these two new rivers branches still exists, at its physical location, but it is not either one of the branches — except due to the naming conventions of mankind.
We can call ours the Universe and the other universes in the Multiverse as ones that have branched off of us, but in actuality we all branched off the UR-Universe, which exists at an exact location in space-time the requirements for us to travel to would include probably the energy of at least one whole universe.
Just as we cannot get to any of the universes with different maths and physics that our own, we cannot travel to the UR-Universe — which after all probably has extremely different maths and physics to our own.
What Universes can we travel to?
Here I am going to be very circumspect, and give you what would be considered the officially correct position of some people whom I oppose in pretty much every area of knowledge, etiquette, aesthetics, and even culinary appreciation at this point, in short this is the official position which is also incorrect, but is nearly correct in almost all potential conditions you are ever likely to encounter.
Because of the energy levels involved it is generally not useful to travel back before certain times, let us say before the point of recorded history, although it is possible to achieve such travels — assuming you don’t care that much about location accuracy — very far back indeed. However for practical purposes you would not travel back before the origin of life on Earth and indeed you would probably not ever have the ability, not much less the need, to go back to the Devonian — and certainly not earlier.