How to Cheat

When I Knew It Was Time To Have An Affair

Everyone cheats for a reason

Teresa J Conway 🧚🏻‍♀️
The Scarlett Letter
4 min readMay 23, 2020


Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash

The moment I decided to find someone came to me painfully, late at night, lying on a hotel bed in a strange city, in the darkness. My tears flowing freely. I was so lonely it hurt. It wasn’t the first time I’d felt that way. In varying degrees, I’d felt it every night over the last decade. But that night it crushed me.

During most of the previous decade, I hadn’t noticed the loneliness seeping in, with kids, work, and his illness, I was too busy to think. Like water bubbling down a brook, I paid no attention to the things going on around me as life swept me forward through the everyday concerns that rob you of time. Looking back now, I don’t remember the time passing.

I travelled more with work in the later years, and when I was away, I worked late, ate on the run and only slept in my hotel. I never considered doing anything else, and my frenzied approach made the time pass quickly. When I was away, I thought only of home. I hated travelling.

The hatred grew as time went on because more time alone, made the loneliness filling me harder to bear. Looking back, I see now how my children masked the intimacy missing in my marriage. Snuggling on the couch, or holding them in bed reading stories, feeling their…

