Street Markets and Food

Mikhail Kotykhov
Can Speak English
Published in
3 min readJun 18, 2015


in the Netherlands

Daniëlle, wanna ask you a few questions…
this time about street markets and food
in the Netherlands.

Sure, go ahead.

OK… I know it’s not only a Dutch thing…
I mean… street markets and open-air markets…
They are everywhere in Europe…
But I guess the Netherlands
would be the place
to see some really great ones.
What is it like to visit an open-air market?

Well, I’m used to street markets
and open-air markets.
They are pretty common here.

Image by zoetnet at Flickr, CC-BY

So, is it cheaper, or more expensive
to buy things at the market…
compared to supermarkets?

I think the difference between the prices…
in supermarkets and at street markets…
well, it doesn’t matter that much
where you buy things.
But since every market stall
specializes in something…
the quality of things you buy
at the street market
is usually higher.
Especially, when you buy fresh food.

OK… Local bars and pubs…
are they good?
What kind of food do they serve?

If you want to eat out,
you should visit a restaurant
instead of a pub or a bar.
If you’re already in a bar…
drinking beer or wine…
I have one word for you: BITTERBALLEN!

Bitterballen. Image by kimvanvelzen at Flickr, CC-BY


Yes, bitterballen.
It’s a very popular Dutch snack.
What is it made of?
Meat, butter, flour, parsley, salt and pepper.

Wow, looks delicious.
And the local food…
Say, in Utrecht?

Sadly, Dutch cuisine is practically non-existent.
There are some dishes
known in the Utrecht region,
but I had to look them up,
so that says a lot.
Local dishes are…
Prauwels… almost like a stroopwafel,
but tastes differently.
Try to find a local bakery
and ask for some of those.
What else?
Vijfschaft… a dish with carrots, potatoes, onions,
kidney beans, apples and bacon.
Hernhuttertjes… a sort of pastry
with lots and lots of butter.
Amazing, but certainly not made for people on a diet!
Smoort… a dish with gooseberries,
brown sugar and cinnamon.

Stroopwafel. Image by joyosity at Flickr, CC-BY

I see… Must be really delicious.

But if you want to try
some of the few well-known Dutch dishes…
try these…
Boerenkool… it’s a dish with kale and sausage.
It’s made only in winter.
Also, zuurkool… it’s made with sauerkraut and bacon.
Also a winter dish.
If you are visiting during any other season…
I’m sorry I have to tell you this,
but I’m afraid…
you wouldn’t be experiencing
much of our *cough* ‘famous’ *cough* cuisine…
other than a slice of Dutch cheese or a kroket.
Both are amazing, by the way.

Image by jlastras at Flickr, CC-BY

Yes, I actually wanna try real Dutch cheese.
Never had a chance to try it before.
Thanks for sharing great impressions with us, Daniëlle.

Graag gedaan. / You are welcome.

Head image by dordrecht-holland at Flickr, CC-BY



Mikhail Kotykhov
Can Speak English

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