Do You Believe People Are Capable Of Changing?

Read this if your answer is no.

Khyati Jain
a Few Words


Photo by JØNΛS. on Unsplash

Do you yearn to get better in different areas of life?

Are you satisfied, with your life right now?

It is a good thing that you re unsatisfied with your life, it will help you push through obstacles to become a better version of yourself.

Everyone wants to be better, in their relationships, career, and life in general. (unless of course, you think you are the best then sadly I can not help you because I am not a therapist.).

We strive for success and growth, we work to improve ourselves daily.

To get better one has to believe in the power of change.

If you are trying to better yourself then you are constantly changing, you’re expanding your viewpoints, you are challenging your restrictive thinking.

So, If you believe most people are hard-headed, stubborn, and incapable of change then you are wrong.

If you can change, so can other people.

We just need to have a little hope and compassion to understand other people suffering.

Most people are at war with themselves, they are fighting the demons in their heads continually(my self-doubts wants to say hi).



Khyati Jain
a Few Words

10x Top Writer| Certified Yoga Trainer| I write about health, fitness, lifestyle, and more. Open to writing gigs. Contact:-