Content Strategy & Reality Check

66K Real Readers More Important Than 100K Fake Followers

There are more meaningful metrics to measure the success of publications


Photo by Adrienne Andersen from Pexels

2023 Update. Illumination now has 66K+ clean followers.

ILLUMINATION received 3.7 million minutes of reading within the last 90 days. There was not a slight change in key metrics after losing 63,000 fake followers in the last two weeks. We keep receiving average 50,000 minutes of reading and 50K+ unique visitors daily. And some days more…

Reading times for ILLUMINATION

Even though the initial effect of losing followers was shocking for writers, it is a blessing in disguise, in my opinion.

We no more use followers as a metric as it is false and useless. We also don’t use views as a metric since we receive millions of views but a majority come from external sources hence do not add much value to our writers.

Instead, we focus on reading times which is a measurable metric for success. These 90 day reading times confirm that within the last 90 days, just ILLUMINATION itself generated 63,183 hours of reading time…



Dr Mehmet Yildiz (Main)
ILLUMINATION’s Blogs Publication

Scientist, Technologist, Inventor, focusing on HEALTH and JOY. Founder of ILLUMINATION, curating key messages for society. Connection: