The 1 Ugly Trait Data Engineers Must Embrace

Otherwise you risk delivering inaccurate data and building faulty systems.

Zach Quinn
Pipeline: Your Data Engineering Resource


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New Data Engineers Get This 1 Programming Truth Wrong

Aspiring data professional, I have bad news for you: Just because something runs doesn’t mean it’s correct.

If you’re just considering data engineering as a career or are already getting started in this field, chances are your primary concern is generating an output.

You want a Python script to execute.

You’re crossing your fingers that your SQL syntax gets that green check mark in the BugQuery environment.

But your work doesn’t end with run.

It’s time to start embracing an ugly personality trait but an invaluable data engineering attitude:


Below, I’ll detail what questions you should be asking of your data and why, like a bad mechanic, you can’t always trust a log message.

Your Logs Might Be Lying To You

Man in white shirt and jeans sitting for polygraph exam.
If only we could give polygraph tests to our data. Image courtesy of Getty Images on Unsplash.

